Sunday, February 21, 2016

Haven seekers

I got this book from Netgalley and I did not know that it is the fourth and last in a series.
What a shame that I haven't started with the first one!

This is a really great series about persecution of Christians, keeping faith in times of trouble, patience when healing doesn't occur as we want it, pride and hope.
It isn't preachy at all, instead it is written with very deep psychological insight and suspense.

Yes, it's one of those books that made me cry, although I have not made all the journey together with Marcus, Lee and the others and I had to figure out a lot of the past experiences.

I'll probably have to read the other three, but I'll wait some time.

Why don't exist more books like that where Christians are real persons with real emotions and fears with the only difference that they know where their haven is, well-written with suspense?

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